20 Light Blue Nail Ideas that`s Amazing Looking


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1.Firm blue nails

These nails are plain and classic style nails.

2.Studded ombreIf nails

 You want ombre nails, you add to studs colour and  then look for an extra light blue edge.

3. Jellies type blue nails 

Basically jellie blue nails perfect for summer weather.jellies blue nails are glossy and translucent.

4.Sky blue nails

This type of nails are chic, clean and effortless. It is proves that it is simple and beautiful.

5.Topped cherry blue nails

 Fruit type nails are very attractive. Cherry topped nails look very cute and on point.

6. Two tone type frenchies nails 

 Upgrade your frenchies nails with two tone blue nails.

7.Milk fade blueberry nails

Blueberry nails are a very delicious take on it and they are trending on the world.

8. Negative space heart nails

It’s Blue nails there are showing a little bit of spring weather.

9.Swirls blue nails

 If you add some swirls of light blue colour in your nails then it will change your personality.

10.French floral nails

 French floral nails are perfect for summer and spring weather.

11.Frenchies milky blueberry nails

Frenchies milky nails get a delicious outlook with  blueberry nails and taste twisty on a classic look.

12.Seafoam holo type nails

This type of nails tell you how to catch rays and compliments.

13.Light blue pearl nails 

Light blue pearl nails are classy and elegant. it is a bit extra just the way we like that. 

14.Cloudy type nails

 Cloudy type nails are delightful, dreamy and light blue nails with fluffy cloudy nails.

15.Nails butterfly type

They are very cutest nails.Butterfly on top and hands down.

16.Blue light ombre nails

Light blue ombre nails look always fresh and clear.

17.Light blue florals nail

It’s Blue nails with flowers carrying and showing a little bit of spring weather.

18.Blue light aura nails

 Light blue aura nails have a glow and impact.

19.Blue milky bath nails 

These  are so serene and pretty. These are light blue milky bath nails.

20.Blue dewdrop nails

It`s simple,stunning and shining type of nails and light blue color.