29 best PURPLE nails ideas that’s best choice for you


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Are you looking for some 29 purple nails ideas? I got 32 purple designs of nails that cover basic need.These nails are looking gorgeous.

1.purple skittles type nails

No one wants to stop on one shade of purple, everybody wants to choose different colours.these skittles are pure aesthetic shade. 

2.purple negative space type nails 

It is the perfect style when you go out in sunsets and then you can feel yourself.White swooshes, light purple and negative space style? 

3. Iris purple type nails 

Iris purple nails are perfect nails.It doesn’t matter, are they cool or warm? iris purple nails you can use anytime and anywhere.

4.gold and purple nails

If you want queen type energy, then you use classy gold with purple accents type nails.it’s perfect for any season cause purple is a year round mood. 

5. Purple nails with dot design 

This is the best option for the spring season.two dots and two type colours is beautiful.

6.plum type nails

This style is like plum fruit. Deep and moody plum gives fall vibes. No ones stopping you from rocking these at the beach either. 

7.Purple floral nails

What do you think of spring? These delicate purple nails with floral accents are queen style. 

8.purple gradient type tips

This style shows one shade given the summer and spring season but this colour hits all purple. 

9.purple light lavender nails

This is a simple and clean style. This is giving major minimalist energy. Light lavender is that versatile. 

10.White and purple nails 

White lines appear on purple nails, adding an abstract flair. When you think of something extra then you have to keep  them clean. 

11.Purple berry type nails

it’s the best colour for fall and winter season and you should wear this colour. berry-purple is a rich colour.it could buy a yacht.

12.Chrome purple type nails

Purple chrome nails have a glossy, sleek shine.they are ready to blind people when sun hits just right.  

13.Purple frenchies floral nails

This style is ideal for spring but this fairy garden vibe can be used all year. These purple nails with floral accents are showing spring.

14.swirls Amethyst type Nails

This amethyst style works all season and nobody asks questions.these amethyst swirls are ready for witchy. They are ready to manifest everything. 

15.purple Soft Mauve type nails

This style is very soft. this is perfect for under the radar shade.this is one’s for when are soo cool and still want subtle flex. 

16.purple frenchies double nails

frenchies double nails give you a cool girl vibe.light purple and dark purple have examples that means that if you settle in one purple then why do you have two?

17.chrome dark purple nails

If you want both winter and fall types of nails then you take this style royal purple chrome nails because winter and fall mostly use dark colours.

18.purple Periwinkle Nails

Daisy accents with periwinkle nails are a very decent style. its light and fresh style. when you are wearing winter coats , it’s perfect for that time.

19.purple electric type nails

Now we are talking about purple electric nails.this colour giving scene bold and bright.these bad boys need attention, they are catching summer sun or hitting a festival.

20.light and dark purple nails

Light and dark purple   means that it balances your style. When you are tired, it’s the perfect style for you at that time. 

21.purple leopard mix nails

wild type print is the same sine of energy. It’s perfect when you wanna serve with fierce energy. leopard with a side of tiger? Yes.

22.french swirled nails

If you can swirl, then why do you settle that straight. This style gives a shade of purple swirls on the french tips. They are giving art and a fun style.

23.french reserve type nails

This style is perfect for flaunting in the sun. This is classic with upgrade style. french reverse tips with purple.

24.french pearl studded type nails

This style gives a classy vibe. french mani with pearls, mostly you wear this style on your besties wedding.

25.french celestial nails

This is the best colour for your summer and spring. If you know these days are darker then you should change your mood and use light purple celestial frenchies nails.

26.purple Ametrine-Inspired nails

If you want a fan of gemstones and crystals. purple Ametrine-Inspired nails give shade of gold outlining and just like the gemstone.

27.velvet purple crushed type nails

If in your mind, you are going for holidays then you make this style wrong. Purple velvet nails are very shining and crushing style.we can’t hide this style, they are used anywhere.

28.Purple Marble type nails

This style is the same as cloudy weather with purple dimensions. We are in love with purple marble type nails. That’s amazing.

29.blue purple shifts nails

 This style is beautiful on all type of nails. we will never meet chrome, if we don’t like that.